The Guide - February 19, 2025

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 3 A GOURMET GALA to RAISE FUNDS TO BUILD HOMES for hard working families in need. Sat. 3/8, 7pm at the Wicomico Civic Ctr., 500 Glen Ave., Salisbury. The 14th year of the annual chef-centered fundraising gala takes you off to the races for a Kentucky Derby themed eve. Dress is semi-formal and derby hats are encouraged — the bigger, the better! $100. Purchase tickets at https://www. HOLLYWOOD CASINO BUS Sat., Mar. 29 - leaves Seaford Big Lots 8am - Charles Town, WV, home by 10:30pm. $60 due 2/28 Vacation Club 302-448-1279 or 302-628-1144. CRYSTALS BUS TRIPS 410-422-7707 3/8 - Philadelphia Flower show, $125/pp. 3/22 - American Dream Mall, $70pp. $35/under, 10 yrs old. 3/29 - Washington, DC, $60pp. 3/29 - DC Zoo Trip, $60/pp. 4/12 - Balt. Orioles, $110/pp. 4/19-21 Niagara Falls, $250/seat $400 for hotel, up to 4pp, 2-nights 4/26 - Casino Bus Trip, $60/pp. 5/9 - Site and Sound Noah, includes lunch, $190/pp. 5/10 - New York City Spring Trip, $100/pp. Can find info on FaceBook @Crystal’sBusTrips THEGUIDE.COM is UPDATED BY 7AM every WEDNESDAY Farmington Town Elections (2) Seats Open, respond by Fri. Feb. 28, 2025. Mail your intent to 98 School Street, Greenwood, DE 19950 or PUBLIC AUCTION, SAT. 3/1 10am. 20613 Windy Lane, Bridgeville, DE. Tractors, combine, headers, trucks & trailers, tillage equipment, other farm equip. shop equip. & lots more. Wilson’s Auction Sales, 302-422-3454. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Delmar Fire Dept. GUN GIVEAWAY May 2025 Calendar Raffle $10 ea. or 3 for $25. Call 302-846-2530 to order or stop by the Firehouse. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Early Notice: Annual 53rd Spring Farm & Construction Equipment Consignment Auction, Mon. 3/10, 9am. Rain or shine. To advertise equipment call Mike, 410-754-8826 or 410-924-8685. A. Curtis Andrew Auction, 25631 Auction Rd., Federalsburg, MD. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE Tax Ditch Meeting The annual meeting of the Herring Run Tax Ditch will be on Monday, 3/3/25, 7pm. Atlanta Road Alliance Church, 22625 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE 19973. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss: Maintenance of the ditch, election of officers, tax rate & other business pertinent to the ditch. In case of inclement weather call 302-249-5617 for status of meeting. Celebrating Mothers, Aunts, Sisters, Nieces, at Sight & Sound 5/8. Call 302-542-4127 for info. Join our FREE Community Workshops to MANAGE YOUR CHRONIC CONDITION. Register today at Email: 302-990-0522 SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE ARE YOU BOTHERED BY SOMEONE ELSE’S DRINKING? AL-ANON offers hope. Wednesdays at 10am. 12 & 12 Community Center, 1380 Middleford Rd., SEAFORD, DE 19973. Trip to see Dream Girls, 4/4. For info., call Smith777travels, 302542-4127. Seaford Elks Lodge - Bingo Every Wed. night. Doors open at 5pm. Bingo starts at 7pm. Food is now being served. No Fly Cruise to the Bahamas, 7/6-13. Call Smith777travels, 302542-4127 for details. Trip to DC to Bible/African Museum, 3/15, $125pp. Call 302-542-4127 for details. Easter Break Caribbean Cruise 4/20-26. Call Lorraine at Smith777travel for info., 302-542-4127. The Maryland Dept. of Health (MDH) is urging healthcare providers to monitor for adverse health effects related to vaping & e-cigarette use, especially among young individuals. Recent reports describe acute reactions such as loss of consciousness, agitation, nausea and neurologic symptoms shortly after vaping. Providers are encouraged to contact the Maryland Poison Center at 800-222-1222 & their local health dept. to report cases & share details about clinical symptoms, substances detected & product sources. While the specific cause remains unidentified, MDH emphasizes the potential dangers of cannabinoids, which can cause severe toxicity incl. seizures, hallucinations and acute kidney injury. 88th Annual Oyster Eat, Fri. 2/28, 8pm. Georgetown Fire Co., 100 S. Bedford St., Georgetown. $45/ ppl. Tickets can be purchased at: Schagrin Gas in Lewes; Baker’s True Value Hardware in Millsboro; First State Chev. in Georgetown; any member of the Georgetown Fire Co. POORE’S PROPANE AND OIL Heating and Cooling Propane & Heating Oil Delivery + HVAC Services! DE, MD, PA 855-902-3274 I&D TOURS, LLC 4/19/25, Mystery Trip, $110. 5/10/25, “Noah”, Sight & Sound & Hershey Farms Buffet, $175. 6/1/25, Twitty & Lynn Concert, American Music Theatre, $125. Check our website for a full list of tours. Call 443-365-4026. THE GUIDE * 302.629.5060 Download & keep a complete DIGITAL COPY of THE GUIDE. Go to: - On the homepage go to “Read The Guide” in the Explore box, choose your issue, go to menu (bottom middle) and select download. GOT DEBT? - Criminal/DUI Representation - Personal Injury - Bankruptcy The only real debt relief is found in the Bankruptcy court. Se Habla Espanol WHITEHEAD LAW DE Office: 302-248-2000 MD Office: 866-SBY-LAWS