Th e M a r yl a n d Gu i d e • 3 - 6 - 2 5 M A RCH 6 , 2 0 2 5 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2025 • 10:00 AM TRACTORS, VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT, FARM TOYS, AND PARTS. LOCATION: 14440 TRIADELPHIA MILL RD., DAYTON, MD 21036 (Howard County) TRACTORS: Ford 1720 4wd, Ford 901 Selecto Speed, Ford 801, Ford 900, Ford 861 Selecto Speed, Ford 900 w/ Cultivators, Ford 871 aip port tug, 4000 Ford aip port tug, AC WD45, ACC, 2 Fordson Major 5000 Diesel, Ford 8N Parts VEHICLES: 1969 F-800 Dump Truck Super Duty (6 Wheeler), 1975 & 1976 Ford Elite, 1973 Grand Torino, 1969 2-Door Mercury Marquis, 1969 4-Door Mercury Marquis, 1969 Mercury Marquis Convertible, Eager Beaver 3 Axle Trailer EQUIPMENT: 7ft. 3pt. Ford Flex Hitch Disc, Ford & AC Cultivators, Ford Front Mount Scraper Blade, and others PARTS: New Ford Fenders, Takeos, and other new & used parts (some aftermarket). Coates Tire Changer & Parts TOYS: Ford TW 25 Pedal Tractor, Ford 8000 Pedal Tractor, Approx. 75 +/- Farm Toys & others TERMS: Cash or Approved Checks Day of Sale. Auctioneer not responsible for accidents. AUCTIONEER: Sam Walters III OWNER: Linda Ryan, 302-270-1637 Wife of the late Rick Ryan NOTE: Inspection Friday, January 24 from 9am - 2pm. Hope to see you in Dayton on the 25th.
Th e M a r yl a n d Gu i d e • 3 - 6 - 2 5 Someone Here Needs You! Adopt a shelter dog or cat today Get free pet care information Spay or neuter your pet for a longer life Volunteer your services to benefit the animals 410-822-0107 Talbot County Humane Society BINGO IS BACK! $200 JACKPOT GAME! in SHARPTOWN, MD SHARPTOWN FIREMEN’S MEMORIAL BUILDING 405 JOE MORGAN RD., SHARPTOWN, MD REGULAR GAMES pay $75 each • INSTANTS • UPICK • BALL GAMES • GREAT FOOD • with chance to go up depending on the crowd EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 5:30 PM DOORS OPEN: 6:30 PM GAME STARTS: STARTING MARCH 14 THRU MAY 30 , 2025 LOCATION: (BEHIND THE SHARPTOWN FIREMEN’S CARNIVAL) Best TV Repairman Servicing Delaware & Maryland Authorized Factory Service For All Major Brands: Samsung • Sony • Sharp • Vizio, etc. Repairs iPhone & Galaxy phones. Same day service. We Also Service Computers RState of Art Electronics 330 Concord Rd., Blades, DE 302-536-7643 Ask for Mel Hrs.: Mon.-Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-1
Th e M a r yl a n d Gu i d e • 3 - 6 - 2 5
Th e M a r yl a n d Gu i d e • 3 - 6 - 2 5 RECRUITMENT Seamlessly Source Top Candidates Automatically distributes ads to the top job boards A.I. targets candidates based on qualifications Your job postings are automatically adjusted to maximize traction An easy-to-use dashboard that ranks applicants Call 302-629-5060 or email for more info M I N N E S O T A W I S C O N S I N FOND du LAC TRI-COUNTY DANE COUNTY V E R M O N T A R I Z O N A NEW MEXICO D E L M A R V A “The Pole Building Specialists” Call Troy in Seaford, DE at 717-201-3957 Our NEW Private Labeled PATRIOT PANEL offers the #1 Exterior Steel Roofing, Siding, Trim & Fastener Warranty in the Industry! 24’ x 40’ x 10’ Pole Building 2 - 9’ x 8’ Overheads, 1-3/0 Door, 1’ Overhangs 36’ x 40’ x 12’ Pole Building 1 - 16’ x 12’ Split Slider, 1-3/0 Door, Sidelite Belt 40’ x 60’ x 14’ Pole Building 3 - 10’ x 12’ Overheads, 1-3/0 Door, 1’ Overhangs 50’ x 100’ x 16’ Pole Building 4 - 12’ x 14’ Overheads, 1-3/0 Door, 1’ Overhangs $20k $41k $22k $75k
Th e M a r yl a n d Gu i d e • 3 - 6 - 2 5 A. CURTIS ANDREW AUCTION, INC. 410-754-8826 | 410-924-8685 | EARLY NOTICE A. CURTIS ANDREW AUCTION, INC. ANNUAL 53RD SPRING FARM & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2025 • 9AM (rain or shine) Tractors • Combines • Trucks • Equipment Lawn & Garden • Tools LOCATION: A. Curtis Andrew Auction, Inc., 25631 Auction Rd., Federalsburg, MD 21632 (American Corner) 10 miles south of Denton, MD and 7 miles north of Federalsburg, MD. EARLY LISTINGS: 2000 Int. Navistar 4700 DT466E Bucket Truck 60’ Lift (101,159 approx. miles), Lilliston 12’ No Till Drill, Bush Hog 12’ pull type, 2018 Toyota Corolla LE (77,250 approx. miles), 1999 Dodge Dakota Sport Truck V6 Magnum (miles unknown), 2009 Craig Cat 11’4’ Boat w/Mercury 30 O/B & Trailer, Delaware Tags: FT1059, FT1876, and large assortment of Shop Tools. TERMS: Cash or approved check with current letter from your bank guaranteeing funds, unless you are known by the auctioneer. All items sold “AS-IS”, “WHERE-IS,” with no guarantee. No Buyer’s Premium, 3% Credit Card M/C, Visa. 6% Maryland Sales Tax. NOTE: Weekly Consignment Auction of ANTIQUES • COLLECTIBLES • FURNITURE every Thursday at 5:00 PM. Licensed auctioneers, MD, DE, & VA. EARLY BIDDING REGISTRATION: Visit our auction o¢ce SATURDAY, MARCH 8th and SUNDAY, MARCH 9th (9AM–5PM.) To advertise your equipment, call Mike 410-754-8826 / 410-924-8685 Forklift available for unloading equipment Continue to visit our website for additional info & photos EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT ACCEPTED: MONDAY, MARCH 3THRU SATURDAY, MARCH 8 (9AM–5PM) PREVIEW: SUNDAY, MARCH 9 (9AM–5PM) TOOLS, LAWN/GARDEN & SMALL FARM RELATED ITEMS ONLY ACCEPTED: FRIDAY, MARCH 7& SATURDAY, MARCH 8 (9AM–5PM)
Th e M a r yl a n d Gu i d e • 3 - 6 - 2 5 Contact us today to learn more! 302.629.5060 | Mobile phone marketing has been growing immensely. Take full advantage of its capabilities with GEOFENCING. It is a GPS technology to create customer audiences with pinpoint accuracy to target competitors, events, neighborhoods, or the proximity around your business. What is Geofencing? 50% OFF Today Only! Nearby at 123 Main Street What are the benefits of Geofencing? Pinpoint Targeting – Ability to reach people at the right time and at the right place with a relevant message. E ectiveness – Ability to target people that are interested in your products or services increases the probability of a sale tremendously. Data Collection – Can collect data metrics to help analyze your message eectiveness, trac patterns, and more. Personalize Customer Message – Ability to personalize your marketing to a specific area with a specific message or promotion. Advantage Over Competition – Ability to draw prospects away from the competition. SERVICE THIS WEEK CALL For a Quote 302-381-3167 Handyman Plumbing, HVAC Services, and Electrical Services. Commerical / Residential!
Th e M a r yl a n d Gu i d e • 3 - 6 - 2 5 CLASSIFIED AD CATEGORIES • Antiques • Appliances • Automotive • Auto Parts • Boats & Marine Supplies • Business Opportunities • Celebrations • Child Care • Classic Autos • Collectibles • Construction/Building Supplies • Electronics • Farm Equipment • Feed, Hay & Straw • Financial Services • For Rent/Lease • For Sale • Free • Furniture • Health Care Services • Heavy Equipment • Help Wanted • Hobbies & Crafts • I Want A Job • Insurance • Lawn & Garden Equipment • Legal • Livestock & Supplies • Local Happenings • Lost & Found • Memorials • Mobile Homes • Motor Sports • Motorcycles/ATVs • Musical Instruments • Notices • Pets & Supplies • Plants & Flowers • Poultry Equipment • Produce • RV/Campers • Real Estate • Religious Happenings • Services • Sporting Goods • Too Late To Classify • Utility Trailers • Wanted • Yard/Garage Sales PLACING YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Your local Classified Source Since 1959 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT 10AM PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE Go to and click on Place Classified Ad. Email: PHONE/FAX 302-629-5060 | 800-984-8433 302-628-9207 Fax MAIL The Guide P.O. Box 1210, Seaford, DE 19973 STOP BY The Guide 24904 Sussex Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 RATES $8.50 - First 3 lines (approx. 15 words). Each additional line $1.50. URL: $10 additional charge for each website link or any other URL link. BOLD: 17¢ per word, minimum $1. Cost for all bold is 17¢ per word, no more than 30% total cost of ad. AFFIDAVIT: Additional $22 for a signed, notarized affidavit will be available after the ad is published. BANNER: $5 additional charge for any 1 of our 5 colorful banners to add to your online classified ad. Choose from PREMIUM, CHECK IT OUT, NEW LISTING, NOW HIRING, and SALE. There is no charge to list a FREE item in the FREE category. Free item ads are for up to 3 non-bold lines - 1 ad per week and must state FREE within the ad. All charges are per week, per category. PHOTOS (Not applicable for commercial business. Private use only.) At no additional charge, you can have up to 6 FREE photos appear with your classified ad at Photos can be uploaded when placing your ad online at or by email to Ads placed by phone will receive a link to upload 6 photos. Published every Wednesday and uploaded online every Wednesday by 7am. Appears in both The Guide and Maryland Guide publications as well as online at at no additional cost. Online classifieds include up to 6 accompanying photos, social media sharing, and email features. Additional attention getter banners and URL links are also available at additional costs. Please check your ad on the first day it appears. In the event of an error, we are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion of an ad. We do not assume any responsibility for any reason for an error in an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself. We reserve the right to censor, revise, edit or reject any advertisement. Report any error at once by calling one of the above numbers. © Copyright March 6, 2025 by O’Rourke Media Group - Delaware. This publication is copyrighted as a compilation under federal law. No derivative use or other reproduction is authorized without the express written permission of the owner of the copyrights. O’Rourke Media Group - Delaware assumes no liability for the content of advertising herein or for any costs or damages arising therefrom. It is The Guide’s policy not to publish anything that may contain potential legal liability or upholds and/or creates any public controversy.
PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 1 Local Happenings The DELMARVA DECOY Heritage Festival. Celebrating the creativity and workmanship of Decoy Carvers of the Eastern Shore. Sat. 3/29 at 2 Market St. and 1944 Worcester Hwy., Pocomoke City, MD. Go to to purchase tickets. Berlin Sports Cards Presents Sports Cards & Memorabilia Show, Sat. March 22, 2025 9am-3pm Ocean Pines Community Center 235 Ocean Parkway Ocean Pines, MD 21811 Tables - $50. Admission $5, Kids Free. Contact Loren, 443-397-3546 or email REGISTER NOW! 14TH ANNUAL IRON FURNACE FIFTY BIKE RIDE, Sat. 8/23. Flat, Fast, Fun. 3 Different ride lengths: 50K, 50mi, or 100K. A scenic bike ride through beautiful landscapes, catering to both casual and serious cyclists. Furnace Town Living Heritage Village, 3816 Old Furnace Rd., Snow Hill, MD 21863. Register: Wicomico Public Library MOBILE LEARNING LAB - LIFE SKILLS SERIES this spring to help you navigate the challenges of adulthood. Expert-led programs covering essential topics. Held in parking lot of the YMCA, 715 S. Schumaker Dr., Salisbury. For more info. or to register go to events/upcoming BINGO IS BACK in Sharptown. Every Friday starting 3/14 thru 5/30. Doors open: 5:30pm; games start 6:30pm. $200 Jackpot Game! Reg. games pay $75 ea. Sharptown Firemen’s Memorial Bldg., 405 Joe Morgan Rd. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Muskrat or Oyster Platters, Sat. 3/8, 11am-? Oyster sandwiches, chicken salad pint, veg. beef soup, West Side Vol. Fire Dept., Bivalve. Chefs for Habitat Gourmet Gala, Sat. 3/8, 7pm. “Kentucky Derby” theme gourmet gala. Wicomico Civic Center, Salibury, MD. $100/ppl. Purchase tickets at: MARCH BARN SALE EVENT at The Stables Gift Shoppe. Lots of great spring items, gifts & decor, new & vintage. Open Fri. & Sat. March 7 & 8 from 9am to 2pm at 20759 Bucks Branch off Atlanta in Seaford. Bingo Bash. Sat., March 29th. Doors open at 5pm. Join the Nanitcoke Senior Center & SVFD Auxiliary for an exciting night of fundraising. $40pp. $200 for table of 6. Includes dinner. For tickets call 302-629-4939 1101 W. Locust St. Seaford, DE <<< WALK FOR AUTISM >>> April 12, 2025, 9am, 12pm & 3pm Dover Motor Speedway One State, One Day, One Mile - Registration required - SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE is mobile friendly. Beef and Beer, 3/15, 7pm-12am. $45/ppl. Reserve your tickets by purchasing via PayPal on our website, or call 302388-8812. Middletown Mem. Hall, 27 W. Green St., Middletown, DE. Must be 21 or over. Live Sketch Comedy Show 7pm, Saturday, March 15 at Milford Senior Center “Mission Implausible - Beware the Tides of Marsh” by Stanton’s 4th Wall. For info or tickets, call 302.422.3385. $20pp, Cash Bar, Adult Content, Free Parking. Discover All That Delmarva has to offer with COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS! Sign up to find fun things to do, Delmarva historical locations, great food and preferred businesses: To advertise: Call 302-629-5060 or email Live On Stage, Inc. and Seaford Community Concert Association announce Katie Pinder Brown, to perform Natural Woman: A Tribute to Carole King on Thurs. 3/13/25 at 7:30pm. Madden Auditorium in Seaford Senior HS, 399 N. Market St., Seaford, DE. For more info. please call 302-841-2891 or go to website: 17TH ANNUAL MILTON ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE, Sun. 3/9, 2pm. Downtown Milton. DELAWARE AG SAFETY CONFERENCE, Wed. 3/26, 9am-2pm. Loblolly Acres, 3893 Turkey Point Rd., Viola, DE. Register today! For details visit: or call 302-697-3183. Delaware Farm Bureau P&E Committee SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Oysters for Education to support the Northhampton Co. Education Foundation, Sat. 3/8 at The Shanty, 4pm-8pm. Oysters, BBQ, sides & (2) drinks. Go to: for tickets. $125/person. 33 T-1108, Cape Charles, VA. 7th Annual St. Michaels CHOCOLATEFEST, Sat. 3/8, 11am-4pm. No tickets sold in advance. Come hungry and bring cash to pay for deletable items throughout the town. Fundraiser Craft and Vendor Fair to Benefit Orchard Church Roof Renovation Magnolia, DE - Leap of Faith Events and Orchard Church will host a Fundraiser Craft and Vendor Fair at the Magnolia Fire Company, 2 North Street, Magnolia, DE on Saturday, March 8, 2025, from 9am to 2pm to support Orchard Church’s roof renovation project. This exciting event will feature over (40) crafters and vendors offering a variety of handmade crafts, gifts, home decor, and more. Shoppers can enjoy a delicious breakfast and lunch available for purchase while browsing unique items from local artisans and businesses. In addition to shopping, attendees can participate in a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle, with all proceeds going toward funding a new roof for Orchard Church. Support a great cause while shopping local and discovering one-of-a-kind treasures! Event Details: Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025 Time: 9am - 2pm Location: Magnolia Fire Co., Magnolia, DE For more information, please contact Jennifer Parnell, Leap of Faith Events at or 302-632-6943 Join us for a day of shopping, food, and community support!
HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 2 HEALTH FITNESS LEISURE EXPO presented by DE Resorts Expos Sat., March 8th, 9am-4pm Cape Henlopen High, Lewes, DE. (100) exhibit spaces presenting health, fitness, leisure and home products and services. FREE ADMISSION The Annual Spring Hartly DE Fire Co. Model Train & Toy Show & Sale, Sat. 3/15, 9am-2pm. Hartly Fire Hall, 2898 Arthursville Road, Hartly, DE 19953. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE 34th SpringFest 2025 in OC, MD 4/24-4/27, Thurs.-Sat. 10am-8pm Sun. 10am-6pm. See music line up at 14th Annual Snow Hill Oyster Roast, Sun. 4/6, 1pm-5pm. Delicious oyster & seafood dishes, beer, live music & prizes. Downtown Snow Hill, MD. $65/pp. Go to for ticket information. Walk in Harriet Tubman’s Footsteps Tour, Sat. March 8. The Seaford Museum will sponsor a 2pm stroll along the Nanticoke led by Curator, Jim Blackwell, telling the 1856 story of the “Tilly Escape” to freedom through Seaford. The tour will start in the museum’s lobby at 203 High St. and proceed down to the Oyster House Park along the river and then up to the top of Gateway Park. It is an enjoyable half-hour walk along our beautiful Nanticoke River. Notices A Little Bit of Everything Auctions Ends 3/13. Check us out today. PAINT WORKS, LLC Celebrating 30 years! Full service painting contracters. Offering interior, exterior, powerwashing & murals. Now serving Delmarva beach area. Free estimates. 302-420-1435 Sight & Sound - Noah, 5/8 @ 3pm lunch incl. $195pp. For info., call Smith777travels, 302-542-4127. WE BUY JUNK CARS/TRUCKS Running or not running. No title — No problem. Cash paid on the spot. Call 302-382-5391. FATHER’S DAY CRUISE WITH LUNCH BUFFET. Spirit of Philadelphia, 6/14/2025, $160/pp, incl. cruise & transportation, $80 dep. req. Call Sam for times & locations, 302-228-1245 MID-ATLANTIC SPRING EQUIPMENT AUCTION, Sat. 3/15, 9am. DE State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE Construction Equip., Tractors, Combines, Trucks, Trailers, Fleet Vehicles, RVs, Boats, Hay Equip., Sprayers, Tillage, Implements, Planters, Equipment, Compact Tractors, UTV’s, ATVs, Lawn & Garden, Tools, Nursery Stock, & more. Wilson’s Auction Sales, 302422-3454. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE MARCH AUCTION SCHEDULE at the Zeb B. Barfield, Inc. Facility 12100 Mears Station Rd., Hallwood, VA. All online bidding happens at: 757.824.4698 Our huge Spring Sportsman’s Auction is only weeks away and we’re 98% full. If you have quality decoys or oyster items, contact Josh today to be a part of this most successful event. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE Seaford Elks Lodge - Bingo Every Wed. night. Doors open at 5pm. Bingo starts at 7pm. Food is now being served. Download & keep a complete DIGITAL COPY of THE GUIDE. Go to: - On the homepage go to “Read The Guide” in the Explore box, choose your issue, go to menu (bottom middle) and select download. NEW YORK SHOPPING TRIP Jamaica Ave. & short stop at Cowtown Flea Mkt. Sat., 5/3/25, $70/pp. $35 dep. req. Departure: Seaford WalMart. Call Sam for times, 302-228-1245 WE BUY JUNK CARS/TRUCKS Running or not running. No title — No problem. Cash paid on the spot. Call 302-382-5391. Have the big Tree Removal Company prices got you down? CALL T.R.E.E.S. TODAY! For your free Estimate! 302-841-2752 Sign Up for WOWbrary! The Wicomico Public Library is excited to offer its patrons free email alerts that showcase the library’s newest items each week such as bestsellers, movies, music CDs, audiobooks, children’s titles, cookbooks, mysteries, travel guides, health books, science fiction & more. Go to: to sign up. FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH LEWES, DE With deep gratitude and appreciation, we announce the retirement of our beloved pastor, Rev. George H. Edwards, Sr., after 37 years of dedicated ministry. His unwavering leadership, guidance, and service have profoundly impacted our congregation and community. We extend our heartfelt thanks for his devotion and pray for his continued blessings in his well-deserved retirement. As we enter this new chapter, Friendship Baptist Church is seeking a dedicated and visionary pastor to lead our congregation into the future. Interested candidates are invited to submit their resumes to: Pastor Search Committee Friendship Baptist Church 500 W. 4th St./ Martin Luther King Way Lewes, DE 19958 Place Your Classified Ad Now 302-629-5060 • 1-800-984-8433 AYCE CRAB & SHRIMP with full menu. Baltimore, MD. Sat., Aug. 9th. $195pp. $100 dep. req. Call for Sam for times, location and info. 302-228-1245 SHARPTOWN LEGION POST 218. Sunday, March 9th, 7:3010:30am S.A.L Breakfast (all you can eat) 11am Turkey Shoot Sign up, Noon Turkey Shoot Starts. Bar Opens Noon. 410-883-3780. St. Johnstown Cemetery Greenwood, DE. Spring Clean-Up, Sat. 3/29 - Mon. 3/31. All decorations, unauthorized items such as landscaping stones over 1/4”, fences, borders & plants will be removed. Gospel Luncheon Cruise Norfolk, VA - 5/17 for info call smith777travels, 302-542-4127.
PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 3 DELMARVA DAVE DELMARVA’S MOST TRUSTED HOME BUYER Do you need to sell your house fast? Are you looking for a hassle free home sale? Looking to work with a local, legitimate home buying company? Did you inherit a house? Get a Cash Offer Today, 302-291-4320 ARE YOU BOTHERED BY SOMEONE ELSE’S DRINKING? AL-ANON offers hope. Wednesdays at 10am. 12 & 12 Community Center, 1380 Middleford Rd., SEAFORD, DE 19973. $$ WE NEED UNOPENED and Unexpired Diabetic Test Strips $$ Do you have an excess amount of Diabetic Test Strips? We will pay $$CASH$$ for them. We are in need of as many as you have. We buy Sensors, Meters, Receivers, Lancets, Dexcom, OmniPod - 5 pack and Medtronic Supplies. We also purchase Inhalers & Pens: Anoro, Skyrizi, Tremfaya, Trellegy, Breo, Stiloto, Enbrel Injection & Syringe, Symbicort, Ozempic, Byurdeon, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Soliqua, Stelara 45mg & 90mg, Otzela, Humira, etc. We offer Free pickup in Delaware and parts of Maryland. If you are in another state, please give us a Call or Text to arrange for pickup or shipping. We also will pay $$CASH$$ for referrals. Text or Call us Today!!! 302-5690678. Thank you in Advance!!! SHARPTOWN LEGION POST 218. Sat., March 29th, 5pm-8pm, 12 Single Fried Oysters or 1/2 lb Frog Leg Dinner (includes mac n cheese, greens, stewed tomatoes & corn bread) $25 ea. Eat in or Carry Out. Call 443-359-3400 for more info. Proceeds benefit Heroes Haven. SEAFORD ODD FELLOWS CEMETERY LOT OWNERS are reminded if they desire to keep any grave decorations, have them removed by March 1 and remain off until March 15, during which time the Cemetery will be cleaned for the Easter season. BINGO TRIP Bingo World in Baltimore. March 29 leave at 5pm, Seaford Big Lots, $49. Vacation Club, 302-628-1144 or 302-448-1279 CRYSTALS BUS TRIPS 410-422-7707 3/22 - American Dream Mall, $70pp. $35/under, 10 yrs old. 3/29 - Washington, DC, $60pp. 3/29 - DC Zoo Trip, $60/pp. 4/12 - Balt. Orioles, $110/pp. 4/19-21 Niagara Falls, $250/seat $400 for hotel, up to 4pp, 2-nights 4/26 - Casino Bus Trip, $60/pp. 5/10 - New York City Spring Trip, $100/pp. 5/31 - Flight 93 Memorial, $100/pp. Can find info on FaceBook @Crystal’sBusTrips Muskrat or Oyster Dinner. West Side Vol. Fire Dept., Bivalve, MD. Sat., March 8, 11am. Muskrat or Oyster Platter with greens, mac ‘n cheese, corn bread & roll. Also available, oyster sandwiches, soups & bake sale. Chicken salad by the pint or sandwiches. Soups by the pint or quart. Call 410-873-2140 or 443-783-1765 for info. Early Notice: Annual 53rd Spring Farm & Construction Equipment Consignment Auction, Mon. 3/10, 9am. Rain or shine. To advertise equipment call Mike, 410-754-8826 or 410-924-8685. A. Curtis Andrew Auction, 25631 Auction Rd., Federalsburg, MD. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE I&D TOURS, LLC 4/19/25, Mystery Trip, $110. 5/10/25, “Noah”, Sight & Sound & Hershey Farms Buffet, $175. 6/1/25, Twitty & Lynn Concert, American Music Theatre, $125. Check our website for a full list of tours. Call 443-365-4026. PINE BLUFF SELF STORAGE 1500 Court Plaza Lane, Salisbury, will sell to the highest bidder the contents of storage unit S118, 10x10, Friday, March 14th at 2pm. All sales are final. 410-543-7999 for info. New Tax Ditch Meeting on Thurs. 3/20/25 at 2pm, Meeting Room 3 at UD RT 9 Carvel Research & Education Center, 16483 County Seat Hwy. Georgetown, DE DELMARVA’S WEATHERTECH OUTLET Featuring: Floor Liner, Cup Phones, Window Visors, Mud Guards & all Weathertech products available. DELMARVA AUTO GLASS W Zion Rd., Salisbury, MD 410-546-3600 BID REQUEST – PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Shawnee Acres, a residential community in Milford, DE., is seeking bids for seasonal property maintenance. Bids should include costs for the following services: Weekly mowing of traffic triangle (roughly 1/4 acre), maintenance of two entrances (keeping weed and debris free), annual power washing of two entrance signs and curbs, and fall pruning of entrance plantings. Bids should be emailed to by March 19th. For more information, please call John Mitchell at 302-270-3421 LIVE AUCTION for pre bid and online bidding. Closing Sat. 3/8, 10am. The consignment listing for the sale of: 1988 Ford F250, JD 435 front deck mower, Kreuger trailer, skid loader attachments, new mdse and more. Goldsboro Auction. 312 Railroad Ave., Goldsboro, MD. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Easter Break Caribbean Cruise 4/20-26. Call Lorraine at Smith777travel for info., 302-542-4127. Trip to see Dream Girls, 4/4. For info., call Smith777travels, 302542-4127. WWW.THEGUIDE.COM Onsite Online Auction: Fri. 3/7 Soft close at 5pm. 308 Regent Dr., Milford DE 19963. Featuring: Militaria, Furniture, Art and More. Coming Soon, Onsite Auctions in Milton & Middletown. Contact Jamie to schedule consigning to our March Gallery Auction. 302-287-5117 SEE OUR 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE The 2025 Annual meeting of the Dukes-Jobs Tax Ditch will be held on Thurs., March 20, 2025 at 1pm at the home of Willis Kirk.
HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 4 REPAIRS: IPHONE & GALAXY PHONES. SAME DAY SERVICE. RSTATE, 302-381-3167. Trip to DC to Bible/African Museum, 3/15, $125pp. Call 302-542-4127 for details. The Guide’s established and vast print distribution provides great exposure to your business which ultimately increases sales. For details call 302.629.5060 Wants N Needs Online Auction 443-497-9014. Dine In Lunch: Sat. March 8, 10:30am-sold out Oyster Fritter Sandwich, $13; Crab Cake Sandwich, $12; Chicken Salad Sandwich, $5 or by the pint, $8; Peas & Dumplings, $6/pt. Veg. Beef Soup, $6/pt. Dumplings, $3/pt. Hot dog, $2 Desserts avail. Carry out avail. No drive thru. Hosted by Powellville VFC Ladies Aux., 5085 Powellville Rd. Pittsville MD. For questions, call 443-880-8165 GOT DEBT? - Criminal/DUI Representation - Personal Injury - Bankruptcy The only real debt relief is found in the Bankruptcy court. Se Habla Espanol WHITEHEAD LAW DE Office: 302-248-2000 MD Office: 866-SBY-LAWS No Fly Cruise to the Bahamas, 7/6-13. Call Smith777travels, 302542-4127 for details. GRIEF SHARE will be offered at St. John’s United Methodist Church, 300 N. Pine St., Seaford, DE. The 13-week program will begin on March 9, 3pm-4:30pm in the Wesley Lounge. If you are dealing with grief and want to know how to move forward, you are encouraged to attend. If you have questions, call the church office at 302-629-9466. BETHANY SPORTS CARDS has new owners! Store re-invented/remodeled Garfield Pkwy., Bethany DE 302-537-6330 SEE OUR 1/4 PG. AD IN THE GUIDE THIS WEEK FOR A 10% OFF COUPON! NOTICE TO SELLERS: When accepting Cashier’s Check for payment, call or visit the branch of the financial institution on which the check is drawn on. The financial institution should be able to help you determine whether or not the check issued is genuine. Don’t trust the phone number for the financial institution listed on the check, it might be fraudulent. SHARPTOWN LEGION POST 218. Wed., Mar. 5, 6pm-8pm, Grilled Cheese (add ham or fried bologna) & Tomato Soup; Thurs., Mar. 6, 6pm-8pm, Bar Pizzas & Calzones; Fri., Mar. 7, 6pm-8pm, Homemade Sloppy Joes & Tater Tots; Sat., Mar 8, 5pm-7pm, Steamed Shrimp, Danny’s Famous Wings & Boardwalk Fries. Eat in/Carry Out. 410-883-3780. Legal To Whom It May Concern: That Braden William Eckeard of 372 Hearthstone Lane, Felton, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Spencer John Gaines of 30 Kirby Court, Dover, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Geraldine Stuttz of 80 Joseph Wick Drive, Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: That Aaron Jamill Brinney of 65 Forest Creek Drive, Dover, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Robert Allen Woods Sr of 22879 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Georgetown, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. PUBLIC NOTICE 303 DELAWARE RAW MILK REGULATIONS The Delaware Department of Agriculture proposes to adopt a new regulation regarding fresh milk and raw milk in accordance with Title 3, Section 3181 of the Delaware Code. The purpose of the proposed regulation is to administer and enforce the permitting, testing, and inspection requirements applicable to the sale and distribution of fresh milk, raw milk, and other products derived from raw milk that are intended for human consumption. A copy of the proposed regulation is being published in the March 1, 2025 edition of the Delaware Register of Regulations. A copy is also on file in the office of the Delaware Department of Agriculture Food Products Inspection, 2320 South Dupont Highway Dover, Delaware, 19901, and is available for inspection during regular office hours. Copies are also published online at the Register of Regulations website: https://regulations. A public hearing will be held on March 25, 2025 at 9:30am in Conference Room A at the Delaware Department of Agriculture, 2320 South Dupont Highway Dover, Delaware. Interested parties may offer written comments on the proposed regulations or submit written suggestions, data, briefs or other materials to the Delaware Department of Agriculture at the above address as to whether this proposed regulation should be adopted, rejected or modified. Pursuant to 29 Del.C. §10118(a), public comments must be received on or before April 11, 2025. Written materials submitted will be available for inspection at the above address.
PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 5 To Whom It May Concern: That Charles Henry Murray Jr of 29075 Channel Drive, Selbyville, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Ricky Lee Paz of 40 Greenview Drive, Dover, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Marissa Renee McKinney of 446 Ocean Court, Milton, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Kishonda Michelle Williams of 701 South Market Street Apt 6, Blades, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Paul Michael Wilkie of 72 Wilke Lane, Greenwood, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. DESIGN SERVICES - Our experienced professional design team can create the perfect look for you. Email: To Whom It May Concern: That Mark Joseph Clark of 34032 Mulberry Lane, Lewes, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Robert Wayne King of 289 India Drive, Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Eugene Francisco Montano of 1526 Fawn Street, Dover, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Brianna Schafer Stevenson of 55 Lexington Mill Road, Magnolia, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Matthew Robert David Rinehart of 916 South East Front Street, Milford, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. GRAPHIC DESIGN - Let our design team create your perfect logo, branding, corporate identity, illustration, layouts &more. See or email for info. To Whom It May Concern: That Raymond H Mast of 464 Taraila Road, Marydel, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Tyler James Everett of 8769 Greenwood Road, Greenwood, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. Harrington Storage 16911 S DuPont Hwy., Harrington, DE 19952 6467 Milford Harrington Hwy., Harrington, DE. 302-398-0668 Auction: Sat., April 5, 2025, 9am Heather Roberts Frederica, DE - Unit 8A Roland Carter Harrington, DE - Unit 106 George Polk Harrington, DE - Unit 131 Keyana Foreman Laurel, DE - Unit 158 Jean Faison Harrington, DE - Unit 210 Darrin Johnson Dover, DE - Units 215 & 248 Kimberlee Parker Frederica, DE - Unit 280 Megan Fillette Harrington, DE - Unit 307 Jerome Brown Harrington, DE - Unit 309 Keyara Smith Harrington, DE - Unit 334 Sylvian Jones Houston, DE Unit 361 Jean Rosalvo Milford, DE - Unit 415 Stephan Bukowski Ocean View, DE - Unit 418 Pam Hughes Harrington, DE - Unit 453 James Anderson Felton, DE - Units 502 & 538 Rachelle Moore Harrington, DE - Unit 525 John Kertis Dover, DE - Units 549 & 552 Harrington Storage has the right to refuse any and all bids. Sale is subject to adjournment without prior notice. To Whom It May Concern: That James Sie Gill of 5991 Carpenter Bridge Road, Felton, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Alford Leslie Stanford of 633 Beechwood Avenue, Milford, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware.
HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 6 To Whom It May Concern: That Kyle Matthew Ryan of 307 Church Street, Felton, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That John Leo Caruano of 40 Country Field Drive, Camden, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Francis Moses Goodchild Jr of 1399 Fords Corner Road, Hartly, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Gerard John Gouldson of 11215 Marvil Road, Lewes, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. ONLINE BANNER ADS Starting at $88/week on * 302.629.5060 To Whom It May Concern: That Christopher Tyler Littleton of 10553 Waller Road, Laurel, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Sharon Desiree Abel of 20236 West Piney Grove Road, Georgetown, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Matthew Blake Clarke of 34 Tammie Drive, Dover, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Deborah Brooks Drummond of 17033 Windward Boulevard, Apartment 306, Milford, Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. THE GUIDE is an approved publication by the State of Delaware to provide ADVERTISEMENTS OF NOTICE for the following: 1) Notice of Petition to Obtain Title to Abandoned Property 2) Notice of Public Sales 3) Concealed Carry permits 4) USDA Farm Service Notices of New Poultry Operations est. For more info., please contact The Guide office at 302-629-5060 or email To Whom It May Concern: That Erin Richard Fruehauf of 5341 Milford Harrington Highway, Harrington, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Hailey Nicole Goodchild of 1399 Fords Corner Road, Hartly, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. To Whom It May Concern: That Cameron Allen Maas Jr. of 615 Main Street, Dover, Kent County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Kent County, State of Delaware, an application for License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the Laws of the State of Delaware. Religious Happenings Mark your calendar! Please join Lincoln Cornerstone Church, 10622 N. Union Church Rd., Lincoln DE, for our Praise in Music Night. Sun., March 16 at 5:30... We will have fellowship and finger food before the Music which will start at 6pm. We will welcome Dave Morgan Music for the Soul. Hope to see ya there. Storm Shelter Ministries Sight & Sound Trip, “Noah”, Sat. July 26, 2025, $185 incl. bus & buffet. Call 302-260-0048. Business Opportunities LAUREL OFFICE, RETAIL, 900 sq. ft space, avail. immed. 301-602-6714 or email: FOR SALE GUN SHOP BUSINESS Retail Sales & Gunsmithing Be Self Employed in a near recession proof trade ”GUNSMITHING”+ Gun Sales Ready to go full time OWNER 80 RETIRING 302-747-7805 SEE OUR 1/8 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE THE GUIDE 302.629.5060 * 800.984.8433 TASTYKAKE ROUTE for sale, Rehoboth, Lewes, Long Neck. Be your own boss. $260,000. Call 302-858-3634. Financial Services NEED CASH FAST? EZ LOANS NOW OFFERS CHOICES: Installment loans up to $5000. Loan Specials: $1500 under $134 $2000 under $187 $3000 under $280 $4000 under $375 * Certain Restrictions may apply. On-Line Service 877-297-0011 Delmar ..................302-462-3445 Millsboro ............... 302-934-5560 Harrington .............302-398-0700 Seaford .................302-628-0800 Selbyville ..............302-436-4440
PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 7 EZ CASH HAS (6) LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! CALL 1-844-955-CA$H During this difficult time, we are here to try & help make things easier for you. We are taking all precautions to keep our offices clean, sanitized & practicing social distancing to serve you best. We offer installment loans up to $1500 with payment plans to fit any budget. Health Care Will care for the elderly in their home. Dependable & honest. 20 yrs. exp. Call Bonnie Copeland Phippin, 302-858-3805. PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online At WWW.THEGUIDE.COM Retired CNA 40 yrs exp. w/refs, available to families for respite care PT, specialize in hospice & dementia. Call 410-200-6740. Helping Hands Care Taking. Former CNA. If you need someone to care for your loved one. Whether it’s an older family member or someone who needs help to stay independent or a terminally ill patient, I would love to take care of your loved one. Whether it’s personal care, help with being independent, or just need a companion to watch over them & help. Day trips, light cleaning, errands, Dr. appts. Over 20 yrs. exp. Call 443-397-0750. Serving Sussex Co. Retired LPN looking for private duty with senior citizen. Over 30 yrs. exp. in DE. Call for more info. 302-249-0377 pls. lv. msg. Insurance Auto, Home, & Life Insurance savings & package deals. 302-841-9667 Yard/Garage Sales PAM’S TREASURES located at 233 Mechanic St., Laurel, DE. Open: Fri., Sat & Sun., 10am5pm. Locally owned Thrift Shop. Sat., Mar 8 & Sun. Mar 9, 8am-? 22573 Bridgeville - Seaford Hwy., Seaford, DE. Liquidating Mechanics tools. We have: Tool boxes, all sorts of hand & electric tools. Speaker equipment. Also have farming equip.: Tillers, etc. Construction liquidation: All sorts of hand tools & wood working tools. Trailers, trucks, boats & much, much more. For more info call 302-236-1616 ESTATE/MOVING SALE BY DAN Fri., 3/7, Sat., 3/8, Sun., 3/9, 8am-12pm. 501 Highland Ct, Seaford, DE. Cash, Card, and Venmo. No Early Birds, Doors Open at 8am. Indoors! Furniture, Glassware, Collectibles and more! MARCH BARN SALE EVENT at The Stables Gift Shoppe. Lots of great spring items, gifts & decor, new & vintage. Open Fri. & Sat. March 7 & 8 from 9am to 2pm at 20759 Bucks Branch off Atlanta, SEAFORD, DE BIG ROOSTER MALL Antiques - Vintage - Artisans Fun Stuff - Fantastic Finds Spaces Available for rent Tues.-Sat. 10am-4pm 125 Kemp Lane, Easton, MD 410-936-7400 Help Wanted BAYVIEW HOMECARE, INC. IS Now Hiring! Patient Care Coordinator! Medical billing back ground is preferred, but we’ll train the right person! Must Have Great Customer Service Skills! Position is Full-Time with Competitive Wage, Benefits Package! Please send resume to Bayview Homecare, Inc.; 118 Park Avenue; Seaford, DE 19973; Fax: (302) 629-9382 Email: Exp. Concrete, Paver, etc. Immediate Openings. Southern DE. 302-430-4846. HIRING SUB-CONTRACTORS Experienced Screen Door, Entry Door, Patio Door & Interior Door Installers for MD & DE. Must pass background check. Must have transportation & own tools. 443-366-9222. Busy Garage in Millsboro/Long Neck area seeking Automotive Technician or Service Advisor. Must have own tools. Call Hudson’s Garage for an interview: 302-934-6158 or fax resume to: 302-934-1463 or email resume to: WE’RE HIRING - IT Support Technician - Night Shift Supervisor Weekly pay, earned paid vacation, on-site health care center, great medical benefits & more! Apply today at: COUNTONAMICK.COM SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE THE GUIDE * 302.629.5060 Lifeguards needed for the 2025 season at a Georgetown Apt Complex pool. For immediate interview call 302-856-7577. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Sussex County based Delaware property management company seeking a full-time Maintenance Technician. Candidate must have experience in general home repairs. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, minor repairs to drywall, plumbing, electric, roofing, siding, grounds maintenance and landscaping. Must have a valid driver’s license. Bilingual in English/Spanish is a plus. Full Benefits package: Health Insurance, Vacation, and 401K. Email Resume to EOE Maintenance Mechanic, FT/PT. Located in Dover, DE. Commercial properties. For immed. interview 302-363-9707 LAWNCARE/LANDSCAPE CREW LEADER 5 yrs Experience Preferred. Valid drivers license. Overtime. Top pay based on experience. Walls Property Management Milford, DE. 302-632-5267 CDL-A Driver with 3 years exp., no exceptions. Clean driving record. Local night shift work, every other weekend off. 10-speed manual transmissions. Training provided. W2 position. Call 443-859-2379 leave a message, you will be called back.
HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 8****NOW HIRING**** Kirby and Holloway The Sausage & Scrapple People *** DELIVERY DRIVERS *** Experience in the food industry a plus! No CDL license required. Competitive Pay. Apply in person at: Kirby and Holloway 966 Jackson Ditch Rd. or mail letter of interest, resume & references. Attn: Rudy, PO Box 222, Harrington, DE 19952 or email: No phone calls, please. Employment Opportunities for MILLWRIGHTS/WELDERS CREW LEADERS for local and out of state. Knowledge of OSHA Guidelines & communication skills are a must. Competitive Salary based on experience. Benefit pkg includes Health Care, Vacation, Retirement & Bonuses. Call 302-337-8777 or email resume to CLEANING COMPANIES NEEDED - REHOBOTH BEACH VACASA in the Rehoboth Beach area is looking to partner with cleaning companies for the summer season! Companies must have a business license and insurance. Cleans typically fall on weekends & Saturdays are busiest. Pay is predetermined based on the size of the unit. Stripping and making beds are required and included in the pay amount. If interested please email or call 302-364-5009. PASTOR NEEDED: Small, independent, country church in Mardela Springs, MD with a dedicated and engaged congregation in search of a part-time pastor to lead weekly services, offer pastoral care and help grow the church. POC: Laborer needed for established firewood company in Delmar, MD. Must have own trans. Cash incentive. 410-896-4267. DUMP TRUCK DRIVER CDL A or B needed. Experience necessary. All local work, 8-9 hr. days, M-F. 410-629-0300. Create your own Personal Profits while working as a Landscaping Crew Leader with Royal Lawn Care, based in Selbyville. Our Crew Leaders Average over $22/hour, weekly - not including year-end bonuses! The harder you work, the more money you earn - the sky is the limit. We are looking for a few energetic, responsible, selfmotivated, productive & hard working individuals, who want to work hard & be paid for their productivity. Experience is Required. Get Paid Weekly. Retirees & Veterans Welcome! Call us at 302-436-9800. Hiring CDL A DRIVERS w/2+ yrs. exp. Local shift work. FT & PT. to haul feed, no exp. needed. BCB trains drivers, 2 wks. Great pay. Exp. Drivers, $75,000 - $100,000 annually. Non-exp., after training, $1/mi., + incentives, avg. 250-350 miles perday. FLEET TECHNICIAN, exp. in diesel engines & DEF systems. Also hiring OVER THE ROAD DRIVERS, paid percentage of the load. Pay is nego. Apply to BCB Farms Inc. 302-864-3377. DUMP TRUCK DRIVER 2 years + experience Clean driving record 302-745-8772 MECHANIC WANTED Dover, Delaware - Rt. 9 Salary to be determined by experience. Send resume to 302-678-3797 Construction Carpenters or Laborer w/3 yrs. experience. Must have valid driver’s lic. Sussex Co. area. Call 302-629-4885, lv. msg. Volunteer(s) for helping Bridgeville Senior Center with home food deliveries to Bridgeville & surrounding communities. Call 302-337-8771, ask for Wendy. Local company looking for PT general labor help. Must have transportation. Work is in Sussex Co. Call Dominick for interview, 302-296-8678. J&S Roofing is looking for a motivated & hardworking individual to help install metal roofing. Must have own transportation. Pay will be determined. Call 302-538-7946 or Text 302-233-8318. CDL CLASS A DRIVER Responsible for driving company owned trucks to transport salvaged metal material to recycling yards in MD & NJ. Must be able to operate a manual trans. Must have a clean driving record. Must have 3 yrs. of dump trlr. exp. At least 21 yrs. old, able to work 6 days/wk., ability to pass pre-employment screening: background check, drug test & provide a 3 yr. driving record & DOT certification. FT, home daily. ROLLBACK/ROLL OFF DRIVERS 3 yrs clean driving record. Must pass DOT drug & alcohol screening. Must have a current medical card. Must have experience. PARTS COUNTER PERSON - Knowledgeable in all aspects of automotive parts, computer savvy, & bilingual. 6-day work week with OT req. Benefits- (4) paid holidays, paid vacation after 1 year. Apply in person. DONOVAN SALVAGE WORKS 20262 Donovans Rd. Georgetown, DE 19947 ************************************* With business on the rise, JOHNSON’S OK USED CARS is in immediate need of AUTO MECHANIC Pay commensurate w/experience. Must have driver’s license. Apply: 303 E State St., Delmar, DE 19940. 302-846-2429 Email: ************************************* Class B CDL Dump Truck Driver needed in Seaford for asphalt, stone, dirt & milling. 302-381-9246. Carpentry Contractor wanted to frame house near Seaford. Must be licensed and insured. Please Call 302-604-0197. Drivers, CDL A or B License. Over-the-road. Drive trucks destination to destination. Make own schedule. $1200/wk. avg., 2 years OTR exp. Just Driving! 410-440-1967. See the Country.
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