The Maryland Guide - March 6, 2025

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 3 DELMARVA DAVE DELMARVA’S MOST TRUSTED HOME BUYER Do you need to sell your house fast? Are you looking for a hassle free home sale? Looking to work with a local, legitimate home buying company? Did you inherit a house? Get a Cash Offer Today, 302-291-4320 ARE YOU BOTHERED BY SOMEONE ELSE’S DRINKING? AL-ANON offers hope. Wednesdays at 10am. 12 & 12 Community Center, 1380 Middleford Rd., SEAFORD, DE 19973. $$ WE NEED UNOPENED and Unexpired Diabetic Test Strips $$ Do you have an excess amount of Diabetic Test Strips? We will pay $$CASH$$ for them. We are in need of as many as you have. We buy Sensors, Meters, Receivers, Lancets, Dexcom, OmniPod - 5 pack and Medtronic Supplies. We also purchase Inhalers & Pens: Anoro, Skyrizi, Tremfaya, Trellegy, Breo, Stiloto, Enbrel Injection & Syringe, Symbicort, Ozempic, Byurdeon, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Soliqua, Stelara 45mg & 90mg, Otzela, Humira, etc. We offer Free pickup in Delaware and parts of Maryland. If you are in another state, please give us a Call or Text to arrange for pickup or shipping. We also will pay $$CASH$$ for referrals. Text or Call us Today!!! 302-5690678. Thank you in Advance!!! SHARPTOWN LEGION POST 218. Sat., March 29th, 5pm-8pm, 12 Single Fried Oysters or 1/2 lb Frog Leg Dinner (includes mac n cheese, greens, stewed tomatoes & corn bread) $25 ea. Eat in or Carry Out. Call 443-359-3400 for more info. Proceeds benefit Heroes Haven. SEAFORD ODD FELLOWS CEMETERY LOT OWNERS are reminded if they desire to keep any grave decorations, have them removed by March 1 and remain off until March 15, during which time the Cemetery will be cleaned for the Easter season. BINGO TRIP Bingo World in Baltimore. March 29 leave at 5pm, Seaford Big Lots, $49. Vacation Club, 302-628-1144 or 302-448-1279 CRYSTALS BUS TRIPS 410-422-7707 3/22 - American Dream Mall, $70pp. $35/under, 10 yrs old. 3/29 - Washington, DC, $60pp. 3/29 - DC Zoo Trip, $60/pp. 4/12 - Balt. Orioles, $110/pp. 4/19-21 Niagara Falls, $250/seat $400 for hotel, up to 4pp, 2-nights 4/26 - Casino Bus Trip, $60/pp. 5/10 - New York City Spring Trip, $100/pp. 5/31 - Flight 93 Memorial, $100/pp. Can find info on FaceBook @Crystal’sBusTrips Muskrat or Oyster Dinner. West Side Vol. Fire Dept., Bivalve, MD. Sat., March 8, 11am. Muskrat or Oyster Platter with greens, mac ‘n cheese, corn bread & roll. Also available, oyster sandwiches, soups & bake sale. Chicken salad by the pint or sandwiches. Soups by the pint or quart. Call 410-873-2140 or 443-783-1765 for info. Early Notice: Annual 53rd Spring Farm & Construction Equipment Consignment Auction, Mon. 3/10, 9am. Rain or shine. To advertise equipment call Mike, 410-754-8826 or 410-924-8685. A. Curtis Andrew Auction, 25631 Auction Rd., Federalsburg, MD. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE I&D TOURS, LLC 4/19/25, Mystery Trip, $110. 5/10/25, “Noah”, Sight & Sound & Hershey Farms Buffet, $175. 6/1/25, Twitty & Lynn Concert, American Music Theatre, $125. Check our website for a full list of tours. Call 443-365-4026. PINE BLUFF SELF STORAGE 1500 Court Plaza Lane, Salisbury, will sell to the highest bidder the contents of storage unit S118, 10x10, Friday, March 14th at 2pm. All sales are final. 410-543-7999 for info. New Tax Ditch Meeting on Thurs. 3/20/25 at 2pm, Meeting Room 3 at UD RT 9 Carvel Research & Education Center, 16483 County Seat Hwy. Georgetown, DE DELMARVA’S WEATHERTECH OUTLET Featuring: Floor Liner, Cup Phones, Window Visors, Mud Guards & all Weathertech products available. DELMARVA AUTO GLASS W Zion Rd., Salisbury, MD 410-546-3600 BID REQUEST – PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Shawnee Acres, a residential community in Milford, DE., is seeking bids for seasonal property maintenance. Bids should include costs for the following services: Weekly mowing of traffic triangle (roughly 1/4 acre), maintenance of two entrances (keeping weed and debris free), annual power washing of two entrance signs and curbs, and fall pruning of entrance plantings. Bids should be emailed to by March 19th. For more information, please call John Mitchell at 302-270-3421 LIVE AUCTION for pre bid and online bidding. Closing Sat. 3/8, 10am. The consignment listing for the sale of: 1988 Ford F250, JD 435 front deck mower, Kreuger trailer, skid loader attachments, new mdse and more. Goldsboro Auction. 312 Railroad Ave., Goldsboro, MD. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Easter Break Caribbean Cruise 4/20-26. Call Lorraine at Smith777travel for info., 302-542-4127. Trip to see Dream Girls, 4/4. For info., call Smith777travels, 302542-4127. WWW.THEGUIDE.COM Onsite Online Auction: Fri. 3/7 Soft close at 5pm. 308 Regent Dr., Milford DE 19963. Featuring: Militaria, Furniture, Art and More. Coming Soon, Onsite Auctions in Milton & Middletown. Contact Jamie to schedule consigning to our March Gallery Auction. 302-287-5117 SEE OUR 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE The 2025 Annual meeting of the Dukes-Jobs Tax Ditch will be held on Thurs., March 20, 2025 at 1pm at the home of Willis Kirk.