The Maryland Guide - March 6, 2025

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 13 $CASH$ for your car, golf carts, trucks, mowers, etc. running or not. Will pick up. 302-272-2025. License plates wanted - all states, all years, any garage & mancave memorabilia. Call 443-786-6424 We buy albums & sell furniture. Rt 346 Emporium. Open Wed. - Sat. 10am-4pm. 410-430-5349 STOP OPIOID OVERDOSE DEATHS Private survey for those with opioid use disorder. vv9hbszu Top Dollar Paid for Gold, Silver and Costume Jewelry. Call Dominick, 302-296-8678 THE GOLD GUY Buying/Selling Gold, Silver & Coins. PAYING TOP DOLLAR Located at Laurel Junction Flea Mkt. Unit 44 Open 7 days. Call 302-519-7048 Paying cash for gold, silver, guns, firearms, antiques, coins, jewelry. 302-228-7355 or 302-542-8421. Buying records, ‘50s, ‘60s & ‘70s, jazz, soul, blues & rock ‘n roll. Call 302-322-8303. For Rent OCEAN CITY: Furnished room with excellent accommodations, utilities included, $750 + deposit. 5 min. from beach. 410-334-6242. SEE INTERNET PICTURE Georgetown & Laurel: Dos cuartos apartmento, $1000 + depuesto. No pets. Tres cuartos apartmento, $1300 Call Santos 941-592-8495 Luxurious Small House For Rent. Five minutes from the airbase, brand new, secure, more than fully furnished, one bedroom with large attached garage. Includes pots and pans, linens, china, washer and dryer, Wi-Fi and most utilities. Just bring your toothbrush, $1499/month for one year. 2025 Highland Ave., Dover, DE. 908-433-9776 or email: SEE INTERNET PICTURE 1BR/1BA House in Laurel, $1100 a month. Sec. deposit & year lease. Call 302-542-0400 between, 9am & 6pm WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN! We have 3/2 bed Manufactured Homes @ High Point Park in Frederica DE. 55 plus and all age community. Homes for sale today. * Must have money for down payment. * Pricing starts at $79,995 Call 888-255-8909 for more information 2BR, 1BA, older country home in safe Milford neighborhood, 1-car garage, enclosed front porch, semi-furnished. $1200/mo. + utilities, no pets, credit check & background check required. Call 302-359-2964. PRINCESS ANNE, MD 2BR, 1BA trailer, $900/mo. 1 Mo. Security Deposit & Application Fee Required. CLEAN, SAFE & SECURE! LEAD FREE! Heritage Estates, Inc. Call 410-651-5414. 3 BR, 1.5 BA duplex home, Salisbury, MD area. Newly remodeled, all electric home. $375 per week, $1600 security deposit. Call 410-546-2199. MILL CHASE A RENTAL COMMUNITY 140 Mill Chase Circle, #14 Millsboro, DE 19966 NOW LEASING FOR NEWLY RENOVATED 2&3 BR UNITS. All new appliances & LVP flooring. Large closets & outside storage. Private entrances. 24 hour emergency maintenance. Laundry faciliites available. 10% MONTHLY DISCOUNT FOR ALL FIRST RESPONDERS! Equal Opportunity & Handicap accessible downstairs units. Furnished room for rent, Laurel area. No pets. Smoke & drug free environment, country setting, $580/mo. + sec. dep. includes balcony, util., AC & wifi. 302-875-4103 lv. msg. ANGOLA BY THE BAY- nice, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath single home in gated community w/pool. Call Irv Levin 302-420-0416. A FRESH PLACE FOR SPRING Great Motel Rate on Delmarva. Free: Internet, Cable TV, Refrig. & Microwave. Pet friendly. Lakeside Motel, Laurel, DE. 302-875-3244. ATTN PROPERTY MANAGERS: PAINTING COMPANY TAKING NEW CUSTOMERS FOR PAINTING INTERIOR OF VACANT APTS. 30 YRS. EXP. SERVING SUSSEX CO. LIC & INS. CALL JOE, 302-628-3373. DOVER, DE- 3BR, 2-1/2BA TOWNHOUSE & APT. FOR RENT W/BASEMENT & YARD, SEC. 8 VOUCHER ACCEPTED. CALL 302-484-2277. SEE INTERNET PICTURE Room for rent in Milton, $150 wk. + $200 deposit all utilities included Contact: One Small Room for rent, $675 + $675 security. Dover, DE. Call Browny, 631-587-7072. No texting, no emails. GEORGETOWN: FOR RENT MASTER BEDROOM w/master bath, full house privileges, private wooded community, $800/mo. Call 609-425-0273. STORAGE UNIT, 11’X30’ WITH 10’W X 12’H OVERHEAD DOOR. NEAR LEWES, DE. $225/MO. 302-542-7750 March Move-In Special! $25 off of first month’s rent!! This offer will run through the end of March! Units beginning at $75/ month. Wash It Storage, LLC 302-546-5650 CLASSIFIEDS ADS can be placed online at, by email to or by simply calling our office at 302.629.5060 * * *FAIR HOUSING NOTICE * * * All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or nation origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.