The Maryland Guide - March 6, 2025

HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 20 YODER POLE BUILDINGS Residential, Commercial, Agricultural. 302-387-5256. SEE OUR 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Mist Sprayer, 3-point hitch, Fifty-gallon tank, $500. Call after 1pm, 410-754-5315. Wanted: Belarus, Massey Ferguson & Ford tractors. Running or not. 410-603-7205 WANTED: COMPACT TRACTOR, 4WD WITH LOADER. 410-603-5166 WWW.THEGUIDE.COM Quality material delivered. Stone, Crushed Concrete, Blacktop Millings. Fair prices. 410-218-6388. 5’ County Line rototiller, new, never been used, paid $2700, asking $2000. 443-365-5938. Excavation/Farm Drainage Expert Eddie Knipple, 443-786-1872. Field limb stripping, root raking; clearing. Handles all your site material: top soil, RC6/8, millings, etc. DELAWARE AG SAFETY CONFERENCE, Wed. 3/26, 9am-2pm. Loblolly Acres, 3893 Turkey Point Rd., Viola, DE. Register today! For details visit: or call 302-697-3183. Delaware Farm Bureau P&E Committee SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE MID-ATLANTIC SPRING EQUIPMENT AUCTION, Sat. 3/15, 9am. DE State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE Construction Equip., Tractors, Combines, Trucks, Trailers, Fleet Vehicles, RVs, Boats, Hay Equip., Sprayers, Tillage, Implements, Planters, Equipment, Compact Tractors, UTV’s, ATVs, Lawn & Garden, Tools, Nursery Stock, & more. Wilson’s Auction Sales, 302422-3454. SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE DELAWARE AG SAFETY CONFERENCE, Wed. 3/26, 9am-2pm. Loblolly Acres, 3893 Turkey Point Rd., Viola, DE. Register today! For details visit: or call 302-697-3183. Delaware Farm Bureau P&E Committee 1570 Case tractor. 185 HP, showing almost 3500 hrs. Good running cond. $7500 302-554-4489 WANTED: BOBCAT, TAKEUCHI & CASE SKID LOADERS. RUNNING OR NOT. 410-603-5166. Check Out The Guide On Facebook ELBORN AUCTIONEERS SPRING FARM CONSIGNMENT AUCTION, Sat. 3/22, 10am. 1815 Barclay Rd., Barclay, MD. Accepting Consignments Items Sat. 3/9 until Fri. 3/1, 9am-6pm. Call Billy 443.480.6760 to consign items early to advertise. Equipment pick up and delivery is available call Billy for details. SEE 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE 37TH ANNUAL SOMERSET COUNTY YOUNG FARMERS AUCTION MARCH 8, 2024 AT 10AM 11830 Crisfield Lane Princess Anne, MD 21853 Auctioneer: Lee Collins Call now to consign. 443-783-8507 or 443-754-1080 Follow us on Facebook for current info, list, and photos. Find us on Facebook at: somersetcountyyoungfarmers Poultry Equipment DELAWARE AG SAFETY CONFERENCE, Wed. 3/26, 9am-2pm. Loblolly Acres, 3893 Turkey Point Rd., Viola, DE. Register today! For details visit: or call 302-697-3183. Delaware Farm Bureau P&E Committee SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE CHUNK FREE ASPHALT MILLINGS. Loads avg. 22 tons. $450 - $600 depending on location. 443-614-9065. We also have recycled concrete & coarse millings (similar to #57 stone) in addition to regular blue stone products. Call for pricing & availability. WE SERVICE A LARGE PORTION OF THE SHORE. Heavy Equipment 2006 J-D 120C Excavator, 6500 hrs., good cond., $38,000 OBO. 302-538-0715. SEE INTERNET PICTURE Diesel Case 350 Dozer, front blade, motor needs to be rebuilt, $5000 OBO “as is”. You may view on March 8, between 12pm-5pm. Facing Old Mill Crab House in Delmar, turn left on Waller Rd., go 1/4 mi. bare right on West Line Rd., go 1/4 mi. turn left at 29243 West Line Rd. Bring your trailer. Place Your Classified Ad Now 302-629-5060 • 1-800-984-8433 1999 Isuzu Box Truck For Sale. Diesel NPR Model, Current DOT inspected. 15.5 ft. enclosed box, $7500. 410-546-2199 SEE INTERNET PICTURE 2016 Ford F550, 20’ JerrDan, 24K mi., garage kept, price nego. 302-542-9731 or 302-877-0445. SEE INTERNET PICTURE WANTED: BOBCAT, TAKEUCHI & CASE SKID LOADERS. RUNNING OR NOT. 410-603-5166. Construction/ Bldg. Supplies SPRING HVAC SPECIALS A/C & Heat Pump Systems, Gas + Oil Furnaces, Mobile Home HVAC, Ductless Mini Splits! FINANCING AVAILABLE! 302-752-6697 JBS - BUILDING A PLACE TO CALL HOME. Dura-Bilt Products authorized dealer. Follow up on Facebook @JBS for house tours. 302-349-5705 SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE EVER SEAM METAL ROOFING Manufacturer & installer of standing seam roofing. On-site roll forming available. Call 302.272.3140 Motorcycles & ATVs Showtime Powersports We buy all motorcycles, ATV’s, jet skis for cash! Any condition! Call 302-404-0209 or email: