The Maryland Guide - March 6, 2025

PLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD! Go to today! 25 GARCIA CONSTRUCTION, LLC offers any type of remodeling, storm damage, roofing, siding, windows, doors, decks, drywall, painting & junk removal. Serving Sussex & Kent Co. Free Estimate - 302-567-9507 ********************************** AFFORDABLE QUALITY CONCRETE & MASONRY WORK 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE. DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, GARAGE FLOORS, POLE BUILDINGS, POOLS. BOBCAT SERVICES & DIRT WORK. QUALITY WORK! CALL 443-735-8377. ********************************** PAINT WORKS, LLC. Full service painting contracters. Offering interior, exterior, powerwashing and murals. Now serving Delmarva beach area. Free estimates. Small jobs welcome. 302-420-1435 PLUMBING SERVICES Residential, 25 yrs. experience Call Mike, 302-500-0765 CLEANING SERVICES ALISSA B. One time, routine, deep clean and move out. Call or text 443-205-5261 HELLO DELMARVA! We are a new Renovations Company. Coty Burke is an experienced carpenter with 10+ years experience. He has expanded his knowledge to, but not limited: Roofing, Siding, Drywall, New Construction projects/ Repair, Full Remodels, Handyman jobs and more Call or text 302-855-3101. A to Z Moving and Storage. Call for a free quote for your moving needs. Serving DE & The Eastern Shore. Ask for William, 443-485-0477 DRIVEWAY SERVICES Asphalt paving, tar & chip, patching, seal coating & millings installed. Free estimates. 302-628-1539. WE COVER THE SHORE! LARRY’S BUILDING, LLC Remodeling, decking, siding, roofing, additions. Lic. & Ins. in DE. 302-670-8803. WALNUT SHADE LAWN & GROUNDS LLC Licensed and Insured 302-535-7613 Give us a call for all your mowing and landscaping needs. Clean-ups, bush/tree trimming, mulching, stone, bed pre-emergent, new installs, tear outs, bush hogging, power washing, leaf removals and much more. M.A.S.E Lawn Mowing Service Mulching, Landscape, Seasonal Clean Outs, Maintenance. Ph. 302-548-1937, please lv msg. WANTED SCRAP CARS TRACTORS * FORKLIFTS BUSES SERVING DELMARVA CALL FOR QUOTE FREE TOW SERVICE KROEGER’S AUTO SALVAGE 302-448-1655. JBS - BUILDING A PLACE TO CALL HOME. Dura-Bilt Products authorized dealer. Follow up on Facebook @JBS for house tours. 302-349-5705 SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Bobcat Services, new driveways, driveway maintenance, & bushhog services. Call Carl Smith at 443-513-6523 KJ21 SERVICES CUT LAWNS AND PRESSURE WASH HOMES, ETC. 860-713-3120. REPAIRS: IPHONE & GALAXY PHONES. SAME DAY SERVICE. RSTATE, 302-381-3167. M.C.M. TREE SERVICES Tree Removal, Lot Clearing, Stump Grinding, Trimming & Clean Up. Call for Free Estimate. 302-260-4008. PROJECTS INC. HANDYMAN SERVICES That Time Again. Yardwork, Mulching, Hedging, Trimming, Grass Cutting & MUCH, MUCH more. Licensed & Insured. 302-519-1225. Eliminate High Heating Bills! RST’s Services, 302-492-1169. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE. SPRING HVAC SPECIALS A/C & Heat Pump Systems, Gas + Oil Furnaces, Mobile Home HVAC, Ductless Mini Splits FINANCING AVAILABLE! 302-752-6697 DNP CARPENTRY & HOME SERVICES For all you carpentry & home service needs. No job too small. Call Dan 302-259-1757 or Pam 302-259-1756 Free Estimates, Fully Ins. & Lic. Military & Senior Discounts The Bickel Firm Criminal & Family Law 9 N Front St, Georgetown, DE 302-500-4130 WRIGHT’S CONSTRUCTION Roofing, Shingles & Metal Specialist, Painting, Siding, Windows, Hardwood Floors. 25 yrs. exp. Licensed & Ins. Free Estimates. Call Chris, 302-745-0204 WE BUY JUNK CARS/TRUCKS Running or not running. No title — No problem. Cash paid on the spot. Call 302-382-5391. HERRERA LANDSCAPING LLC mulch, trim, clean yards, gutter cleaning, wooden fence, etc., Tree Service. 302-864-8884 302-864-4350 Tile Work 267-908-2558 A & A POWER WASHING & LANDSCAPING, LLC. House Washing, Concrete Washing, General Clean-Up, Grass Cutting, Mulching, Trimming Bushes, Weeding, Planting. Lic & Ins. Free Est. 302-260-1559 or 302-249-9245 BRICK & STONE BY JOE PASCONE Specializing in masonry work. Walkways, retaining walls, stoops, custom indoor & outdoor fireplaces, chimney rebuilds & repairs. Call for free estimate. 302-703-2106 Eliminate High Heating Bills! RST’s Services, 302-492-1169. SEE OUR 1/2 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE. Alterations. Pickup & delivery available. 302-362-5704